Draw a 210×297mm rectangle onto the Artboard, align it centrally then add a soft grey to white radial gradient. Choose a generic size such as A4, and set the Color Mode to RGB for a choice of nice, vibrant colours. Open up Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Start work sketching out a rough plan for the design, taking into consideration the composition and general style of the illustration. Let’s take a look at compiling various geometric shapes and objects to form a dynamic composition in Illustrator, then polishing it all up with some transparency effects to create a trendy vector illustration.

Sedangkan bila undangan itu di buka akan nampak seperti dibawah ini.Ī great looking abstract design can be created from the simplest of shapes. Sengaja photo utama di taruh di depan agar fokus penerima undangan langsung mengenal siapa yang menikah: ) Undangan Pernikahan Black and Glold Romantic ini simpel, elegan namun mempunyai makna yang dalam: Desain diatas adalah ketika undangan di lipat, akan tampak depan dan belakang, ditambah dengan ornamen ukir-ukiran di dalamnya menambah kesan heritage dan tempoe doloe dipadu dengan photo pre wedding di kota tua ( he he he jadi pengen ).

Undangan nikah yang satu ini bertema black and gold romantic, dengan warna dasar hitam dan tulisan putih dan emas, membuat undangan pernikahan yang di desain menggunakan corelDraw X3 dan Photoshop ini akan menambah suasana pernikahan semakin sakral (dari sisis undangannya). Looking for free vectors of Design Frame Undangan? Browse our collection of Design Frame Undangan templates, icons, elements, presentations, silhouettes and much more! No purchase required.

Psd vector free pernikahan download template undangan online Download desain undangan pernikahan format vector corel draw gratis.